Well, I guess I didn't quite get the visual effect I wanted for the bike trail blog entry. I should have had one of those helmet mounted cameras and video taped the trip! Ha! Oh well. But it's a quick, easy jaunt from Cambridge to Isanti. I wish there was so much more. I don't think it's safe to ride the county roads around here. I have had someone come up behind me on Co. Rd. 10 and honk and shortly there after a Jeep Liberty drove onto the shoulder where I was and that was a Uff Da moment. I don't know if it's a cell phone moment or just a taunt. Hard to tell when your back is to them and in a flash something happens and while gathering your whits you might beable to register what vehicle it is and what color. Yeah you cranberry colored Jeep Liberty on county road 10!! And the silver snazzy VW Jetta! (snarl)! I want your tax dollars to build me beautiful bike trails that wind through your forest, meadows and downtowns.
I have yet to try it out - probably come spring now...my parents love it!
Ooh, beautiful trail!
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