On our morning news [
WCCO] they were sharing this recipe that one of the reporters made. So I thought it was easy enough for myself to tackle in the kitchen. I don't like baking!! T-h-e-n, I heard other co-workers talk about the chocolate chip cookie brownies they found on
Pintrest. So.....after work I drive on down to the store and pick up my
ingredients. I get home, I'm starving and I start to bake. Not good! I munch on some nuts. I drank some coffee. I ate three
Oreos. I ate a
biscuit. I haven't eaten a bomb yet. I gotta sit down and watch The Biggest Loser first. Maybe I'll just freeze these bad boys until we need them. I then make the cookie dough brownies... oh my!

So, take one package double stuff
Oreo's and put in food processor. Crush until like dirt! Dump into a mixing bowl and add softened cream cheese. Use pastry cutter to cut in. Make balls. Melt chocolate flavored bark. 1/2 package works for 1 package of
Dip, roll and set on wax paper to harden. Put in refrigerator or freezer!
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