Ivan and Monica have a guest cottage in their back yard and gardens. It situated up on the hill behind the patio. Monica has flowers everywhere!! Ivan has a secret room!! He took me there to ask my approval on a bottle of champagne!!! He tells me it has been saved for 50 years and today he must open it!!! We celebrate our family!
He is a wonderful host and received us six girls in with open arms and the most generous heart!

It's been a few days since these first photos have been taken but I want to add in this note. Our cousin Kim is good to express openly her thankfulness and reports of God's goodness and provision for us !! We started a Providence Page in our journals listing our amazing blessings and answered prayers!! Our prayer is that the overflowing of blessing will fall upon our hosts and hostesses and family we meet and all those who are part of six beautiful women and their journey to our Grandfather's homeland, Svenska!!
I am so happy to see pictures! You all look so wonderful! I am overwhelmed with happiness that this is happening!
Hi everyone, it is so good to see you all smiling, you are right what wonderful hosts you have..Thank them for us, too...love you all....Hi girls from MOM
"Svenska" is Swedish... "Sverige" is Sweden :)
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