Taking a peek around the back yard for fun things to photograph. Don and Joan have neat things tucked in trees and on fence posts. It's a bird's haven here!

I really like this picture. ??? Just do.

I found Troll's!! I knew this place was swedish!! I've heard so much balarney about being Irish.

There's always flowers on my compact Flash.

My favorite item in front yard. I walk under the tree and reach up and ring this bell. It's form crude but it's tone a melodic prayer.

Most chairs and benches around this yard are very colorful!! This one just ready for company in the shade of the maple.

Don's character can be found everywhere!! It's a great stroll around the yard. You'll get a feel of namaste to guffaw!!

Fervent readers live here. From Japanese History, Sci Fi, antique books to next door neighbor author, THE ROSE JOURNAL.

Soooo HOT and HUMID today!

Cooking outdoors!!

It's sooo hot the sweat just rolled off of us!!

Don has the record collection! I saw dropped waist dresses and beads and bobbed hairdos in my imagination. If you ever want a taste of some gone by era... Don only plays dead peoples music. It's nostalgic!

Cory got off of work after 1 a.m. and drove home to be with us. He says he's not tired. So glad to see him and love hearing all the updates and news. He's a wonderful son!!

Remi LOVES when I take a couple hundred of his photos for his FB portfolio!! I swear he makes up 8x10's and autographs them for girls!!

See!! I can make him smile!! He
loves his Aunt Carla!
Remi DOES love his Aunty Carla!! it's always fun to check your blog when you've been over! I never know what from the yard went home with you on your camera! but it's always beautiful and interesting- you see everyday things in a different light than I- more imagination, I would guess??
thank you Carla, John and Cory for sharing the day with us!!
Looks like you guys had a wonderful day...Happy 4th to you all too.
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