Stand on Grace, walk by Faith, Live in Love, Grace and Peace be your in abundance. 1 Peter 1:2

Sunday, May 6, 2012

159th Place

IMG_2968 Here I go!!!    {Look at the matching chick next to me!!  She’s doing the 10k}  Someday !

IMG_2988Here’s halfway.  That first mile was the longest mile I’ve ever seen!!   I’m very happy to see Lake Shore Drive up ahead!!   I was starting to feel wobbly on the last stretch.  It was a quick systems check:  legs feel fine, keep breathing right, and a sip of water to wet my whistle and my heart was all in it.  I am going to finish! Mind off the , “This is hard” and back to “I can do this".  It takes a lot to haul all this 3+ miles but I wasn’t alone and I saw all kinds of runners out there!  I didn’t walk two steps!!  I ran the whole thing!

IMG_2995When I saw the finish line I wasn’t done yet!  It was down another short block and up a hill and around and then hit the finish line from the back side! I was showing it up for my camera man coming through the finish line!! I DID IT!!!

1 comment:

Jen :) said...

Sorry it's taken me so long to comment, but GOOOOOOOOOO Carla!! I'm so proud of you for finishing (and running!) the entire thing. It really feels great, doesn't it? When's the next one!?